Connecting WV families
Welcome. The West Virginia Association of Housing Agencies fosters, supports and promotes the efforts of Public Housing Agencies and affordable housing organizations in the furthering of affordable housing and community redevelopment in West Virginia through the exchange of ideas, the promotion of inter-agency cooperation, affordable housing legislative and policy development, and education and training.
A note from the WVAHA President...
Thank you for visiting the West Virginia Association of Housing Agencies website. The Association has a proud history in developing housing professionals and community leaders, educating the public of the need for affordable housing, and advocating for responsible public policy and funding for housing. Over the past eight decades, West Virginia’s housing authorities have made important contributions in our communities; not least of which includes meeting local needs and making a difference in the lives of the families we serve. Currently, the Association is comprised of 33 housing agencies from across West Virginia, who provide over 40,000 West Virginia families access to safe, decent and affordable homes, through the public housing and housing voucher programs, funded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD.) These agencies are the liaison to help families connect to much needed resources and support that go beyond housing. We are considered the essential part of economic development because housing is a necessary utility to a competitive economy.
The Association’s goal through this website is to promote the public’s understanding of housing programs, help visitors understand our purpose and history, provide timely information regarding upcoming trainings, conferences and activities and promote the good work done by public housing agencies across West Virginia. No doubt change is constant, but it is my hope that your visit to our website will prove both productive and beneficial.
As President of the Association, I hope to provide the most up to date information and collaboration to all resources throughout the State of West Virginia in not only providing assistance to low-income families but meeting the needs of all West Virginians with the basic needs of affordable housing.
We are here to help. If you have any questions or need any further assistance don’t hesitate to reach out.